Real Kashmir Football Club (RKFC)

Client: Real Kashmir Entertainment & Sports Pvt. Ltd.
Project: Website Restoration and Redesig

Overview: Real Kashmir Football Club, a prominent name in Indian football, needed a complete overhaul of their online presence. Their original website was no longer live, and the domain had expired, making it inaccessible. Our team at Rational Systems Private Limited was entrusted with the task of restoring and redesigning the website to reflect the spirit and achievements of the club.

Challenge: With the original website offline, the first challenge was retrieving the lost content. Using advanced web archive tools, we successfully restored a significant portion of the original content, ensuring that the legacy and history of Real Kashmir FC were preserved.

Solution: After restoring the available content, we collaborated closely with the Real Kashmir FC team to gather new information and updates. This combined effort allowed us to create a fresh, dynamic website that truly represents the club’s identity. We chose WordPress as the platform for its flexibility and ease of use, enabling the club’s team to manage content updates efficiently.

Result: The new Real Kashmir FC website is not just a digital facelift but a comprehensive platform that showcases the club’s journey, achievements, and latest news. The redesigned website now serves as a hub for fans, players, and partners, offering an engaging and user-friendly experience. The content is being updated as the data is provided by the client.

Website Platform : WordPress, Divi
Services Offered : UX/UI, Website Design & Development
Digital Marketing :  SEO, SEM, SMM

RKFC Mockup